So some nice pics coming up, albeit with some dirty splotches from the window, so… sorry about that
The above all are in Russia, near the Primorsky region, on our way to the arctic circleLove this shot, except for that crap on the window, otherwise this would have been nice printed upwoauw.looks surreal, let's zoom in on that onerolling forested hills forever, covered in a layer of frostview from the other side of the planeawesome arctic winter light
Narita > Heathrow
So some nice pics coming up, albeit with some dirty splotches from the window, so… sorry about thatThe above all are in Russia, near the Primorsky region, on our way to the arctic circleLove this shot, except for that crap on the window, otherwise this would have been nice printed upwoauw.looks surreal, let's zoom in […]
Sonny Vandevelde