Hilda’s Art

2006/08/30 | Uncategorised


Let me take for a walk through the room, here, the door to go outside, and the food table, with lots of yummy stuff ready to go for the little entrees they are about to make



this piece I like, Hilda made it about 3 years ago, when Bush was eager for a war


a white dove with it’s head chopped off


barbed wire and toy soldiers inside his see through head


and he’s holding the world in clamp like grip, and holding it on the wrong axis

Let me take for a walk through the room, here, the door to go outside, and the food table, with lots of yummy stuff ready to go for the little entrees they are about to make this piece I like, Hilda made it about 3 years ago, when Bush was eager for a war a […]

Sonny Vandevelde

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