Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


London > Hong Kong

CLD_8741Sonnyof we go again CLD_8742SonnySomewhere near Poland I think CLD_8743SonnyThe way the windows are set up, or rather the seats in Cathay Pacifics 747 is so annoying, I really have to stretch and contort my body to try and look out the window CLD_8747SonnyRussia CLD_8749Sonnygoing into night time CLD_8752Sonnychina CLD_8754Sonny

CLD_8759Sonnynearing Hong Kong CLD_8763Sonnynever been to Hong Kong ( transiting Hong Kong airport does not count ) and I guess there are a lot of Islands around Hong Kong CLD_8771Sonnyand lots of boats
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