Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Opal Fields at White Cliff

_AUS5105sonnyTruck, set up for moving the dug out dirt from the fossickers, you see quite a few of these around here, but again, not with all that greenery around it and all the grass growing around it _AUS5109sonnyThere's even flowers growing all over the place, like these big white ones ( that look like they need a lot of water to survive ) 193886867_c2b40ce645_zThis is more the scenery we were expecting to see, I found this photo quickly to show you what it usually looks like around. I wanted to get a shot of this lunar type looking landscape _AUS5116sonnyAnd instead, it's now covered in this grass, and from the locals we found out that all this grass brought a lot of mice, so a few months back they had a mice plague, and with an abundance of mice came an abundance of snakes _AUS5117sonnyOne of the mine leases still in operation _AUS5122sonnymore flowers _AUS5127sonnyJacqui, driving big Al in the outback

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