Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Broken Hill and a sore tooth

_AUS5299sonnyWaking up in our hotel in Broken Hill. Last night ended up being a bit of a late night, I been having a problem with one of my teeth the past 2 days, really sore , coming in waves. So after dinner, pain was just gettign too much and it being Easter we already checked out dentist but all were closed, so we went to the emergency at the hospital.
So cut a long waiting story short. I'm now getting doped up on codeine and taking anti biotic to kill any infection, and pain killers to help me deal with the pain. Not liking the idea of taking all this medication, but then at the same time, not liking the idea of cutting short our holiday either, as it looks like the best option would be to go see my dentist as soon a sI get back to Sydney. But yeah, the pain has been rather unbearable. So onwards we go _AUS5303sonnybut take some pictures of this hotel first _AUS5304sonnyeverywhere you look there are paintings in this hotel _AUS5311sonnytop floor painting _AUS5312sonny
_AUS5338sonnylove the verandah on these old pubs _AUS5343sonnyand it;s true, just about every country town has a chinese restaurant

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