Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Brisbane trip, again

_JAC1742SonnyphotosJacqui gets a bit anxious before flying, so she distracts herself _JAC1744Sonnyphotosgreat view of the city again, can just still make out the Harbour Bridge _JAC1745SonnyphotosManly _JAC1752SonnyphotosNorthern Beaches, with Lion Island in the middle _JAC1755Sonnyphotoscentral coast _JAC1758SonnyphotosThe Entrance _JAC1759SonnyphotosSoldiers and Budgewoi _JAC1763SonnyphotosRed Head & Dudley's beach, and my brother has moved up this way somewhere _JAC1764SonnyphotosYeah, that's his house down there on the right _JAC1765Sonnyphotosand that would be Newcastle, lots of rain, making the hunter river very brown, and then we get the beginning of Stockton with its sand dunes going up to Anna bay, and long time readers know how much I love the dunes of Anna bay, this is the first time I see it from the air. _JAC1767SonnyphotosStockton dunes, and just can't see Tin City, would have been awesome to get an aerial pic of Tin City to match up with these photos I took. :-) _JAC1769SonnyphotosRain clouds in the country mountains _JAC1772Sonnyphotos
_JAC1780Sonnyphotoscoming down to Brisbane town ( again :-) _JAC1781Sonnyphotos
_JAC1783SonnyphotosHere for just the night. Shooting a private show for the Chanel cruise collection, and then tomorrow back to Sydney.

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