Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.

blah blah

Unique, swimming with pack of wild dolphins !!

This is just insane, such an awesome unique experience, words can not describe.
As you know, I have seen many dolphins in my life along the east coast, seen from the headland or beach, or even on the odd occasion was out in the surf when the dolphins were out there as well. But the things is, everytime, these guys would either just hang out, cruise for a bit and move on, or just be swimming past, Never would I see a pod of dolphins in the same spot for more than 20 mins. Now these guys, I spotted them from the headland at South Avalon, after I dropped the kids of at school,  swimming at North Avalon in the waves, with no one else out in the water, so I drive to North Avalon, and they were still there.
I must have been watching them for about 30 minutes just going up and down, up and down. So I decided to go back and get my board, but when I got home, got a few phone calls, had to send some photos before you know it an hour had passed. I head back down anyway, expecting them to be truely gone by now, but no, unbelievably , they're still out there. And then Tommy Carrol rocks up with a mate on their stand up paddle boards, so I figured that will scare the dolphins away, but no, they still stayed and let Tommy paddle right over them. Ok, so I'm going out as well then, damn it , left the camera at home, so back I drive again, and again another phone call holds me up 15 min. Back there, Tommy's gone, and it's just one other guy out, and still the dolphins are out there, awesome. So I paddle out, a bit apprehensive, I mean, they are harmless as in they don't attack, but if they catch a wave and accidently run into you, it;s gonna hurt. And sure enough as I'm paddling out, a wave is coming towards me, so have to head straight for it, just as a dolphin is catching the wave and also heading straight for me, and just at last minute darts underneath me, awesome, what a rush. Then I sit there and one swims right underneath me, as if to check me out, incredible, never been so close to them. So now for this footage, started rolling the camera as they just swam past and turn around again, I get off the board and into the water to see if I can see them swim past, not much to see, except for Holly's leg, so I pop up again to see if I can where they are and yes they're about to swim past me, so I go under again, and then, to me, the magic happens at 58 seconds into the video. yeeewwww, awesome, really, I feel like I've just experienced a once in a lifetime moment as this is not a swim with the dolphin thing under guidance of a ranger or some sort of fun marine park. No wild dolphins doing what they want to do . Unbelievable I came out feeling blessed, and then the battery died on the camera hahaha, bummer, as I stayed out there for another 30min swimming with the dolphins File under AWESOME !!!
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