Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.

blah blah

Apple Juice Tasting

_SNY7638SonnyPhotos Wim & Hilda have just a few apple trees, but they produce a lot of apples, so every year they take a whole apple box ( about a trailer's worth ) to a local juicing place, where a lot of other people go to every year to get their apples juiced. they come back with about 220 odd liter bottles of juice. As their were other people there as well, they exchanged a few of their bottles with other people, and this morning we have a juice tasting. _SNY7633SonnyPhotos 2 from other juicers, one from last years crop and this years _SNY7636SonnyPhotos different colours, different tastes, but all yummy and sweet _SNY7641SonnyPhotos
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