Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.

blah blah

Discoid lupus erythematosus

0cfeefab6d08d579eeb9eded5fc91f124c31dce2_m I stumbled upon this photo at one of the music blog I frequent ( Waves At Night ) and thought to myself, oh cool, I can do a post mocking Seal and how his tribal scarification don't amount to much compared to this guy. But then upon some quick research, it turns out that those scars on his face aren't the results of scars at all, in fact he wasn;t even brought up in Africa, he was born and bred in Paddington, London and Seal actually suffers from a skin disease called Discoid lupus erythematosus which was made worse by something a make up artist applied to Seal's face for a Batman shoot , go figure, anyway, I thought it was a pretty amazing image and just wanted to share it with you
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