Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.

blah blah

Private Bacardi Bar meets Anita Birthday girl

So we arrived somewhere in Brussels at this great house called Hotel Jourdain. It's been designed by Charles Veraart who was assigned by Paul Jourdain in 1914, built as a sort of 'ambassadors house' where there were separate rooms and facilities for either staff or owners. In other words a nice Bacardi ambassadors houseIMG_3360
Where are those Kiwi's gone for the DaiquirisIMG_3366
and as soon we get there we are served mojito's
Anita knew I had been busy with the shows in Paris, and not had much food in the past few weeks, so she made sure there was some food there for me, Valeria from the Girls from Omsk serves meIMG_3370
hmmm, lovin these bacardi drinksIMG_3372
and sushiIMG_3380
don't ask, just laughIMG_3398
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