Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Pannekoeken Feestje (Legally these photos are NOT to be used on Fashion Forums !!! )

We had one in Berlin, so now time for one in New York, and as a few people were leaving the next day already tonight was the night. Kim was on cooking duty when I turned upIMG_0370
JD snaps a pancakeIMG_0372 FumiIMG_0373 with camera and beer , a happy girl indeedIMG_0374 IMG_0375 IMG_0379 Iek & JDIMG_0381
Super cool light, lightbulbs strung together , I want IMG_0382 IMG_0392 The dutch club, but where's Sharan and BetteIMG_0398 Fumi, beer, camera and boys :-)IMG_0400
we love polaroidsIMG_0415 JonasIMG_0417
Iek about to flip a pancake, this will be funIMG_0422 here we go , drum rollIMG_0423
ooops ,where's that goingIMG_0424 pancake anyone ?IMG_0419 PrestonIMG_0427 Jonas and MatthewIMG_0428 Alison and Iek, did not see Alison at the shows. She kept herself busy with some projectsIMG_0431 Bunny and heart biscuitsIMG_0435 IMG_0439 IMG_0453 catching the L backto ManhattanIMG_0454 IMG_0455 with a belly full of pancakes, cheese and maple syrup ( had no stroop )

n.b. you can link back to this post, but you can not grab these photos and put them on forums or chat rooms !

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© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos