Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.

blah blah

Eva shares her sunset

KI number 16
Dedicated blog reader, Eva, sends me her recent sunset shots from South Australia, she writes......the sunset was one of the nicest I’ve witnessed so far, so I wanted to share it with you.  The colours in the shots are solely thanks to nature – I haven’t played around with the colour.  Photo’s were taken at Lady Bay, after we had left Kangaroo Island on wednesday evening KI number 17 I have also attached an extra shot.  It is a photo of the land that my partner (and 50 other people) helped to protect from housing development by buying it.  They have a small conservation group that exists solely to buy land in special places around the state to stop it from being cleared).  It is a beautiful place and the beach is fantastic. We visited it on Wednesday.  Local surfers still use the track and visit it, but not many other people go there.KI number 12
The other photo appeared in the sky a week or two ago when Jupiter, venus and the moon came together to smile on part of the world.  I went out in my backyard and snapped it.  Took it with my point and shoot, so no tripod and it is a bit wobbly
Yes, Jac's and kids spotted it the other night as well

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