Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Soho Grand Hotel

Has the yummiest lamb cutlets on their menu in the lounge bar, first proper meal I've had in a while, although , food on the the run in New York is waaaay better than ( hate to say it ) food on the run in Paris.
I'm sure if you look , you will find something a bit more sustainable than just the same old baguette from the cafe ( every cafe , same baguette, baguette with cheese, or ham , or cheese and Ham , or cheese and tomato , or ham and tomato, but oh no, don't you dare ask for cheese, ham and tomato, that's not on the menu ,so it is "not possibel for the chef to do this " ) but I don't have the time to look when I am in Paris, and at least in New York nearly every second corner has a deli with fresh food, salads, pastas and the burritos from PAX are delich, plus, you can never go wrong with a typical New York slice, love those slices.
Anyway, these lamb cutlets lasted about 58 seconds

Packing up my room, and here is the bundle of backstage passes I accumulated, and yes, with CNN constantly on , when I'm in the room

Having seen CNN, for so long now, I learned two things, CNN Europe is so much better, and then BBC is so much better, and if CNN spend as much time on all their graphics and logos, as they did on actually covering the news, they might be ok, it is just such a repetitive cycle of the same crap over and over.

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