Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


4WD in soft sand

We are just about to leave the dirt track and onto 4wd only track, which in this case is really soft sand going up to the sand dunes at stockton, Iknow we have to let down the tyres, but we are not sure how much, so Katrina calls her bro to check, enough so it is like a little belly he says ( normally you take a little tyre pressure gauge with you, but we don't have one )

As you can see, not exactly a belly on the tyre, could have let out a lot more, and sure enough, as soon as I got through the bush track, which was really rough and bumpy even though it was soft sand, as soon as I cleared it into the more open space leading to the sand dunes, I got stuck and had to dig out the tyres, but luckily there was a lot of dry wood around so I could place them under the tyres, and after letting some more air out , we were good to go for the rest of the day

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