Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


drive to Charles de gaulle

Self portrait of me on the toll highway to Paris

And what a beautiful day to be leaving Europe on, blue blue sky, but don't be fooled, in the shade there is still a layer of last nights frost, brrrrr

Fredcha is in the passenger seat so he can drive my car back to Belgium 9 at 25 euro's a day, not a good idea to leave car in carpark for 2 months plus )

Strange, that for a country with a crippling train strike , that there are hardly any cars on the highway

Yeah well I missed that by a couple of millions of miles, but my excuse is that I was driving at the same time, and looking straight into the glare of the bright sun, like this picture is darker than what I was see-ing, it was more like a bowling bowl of light as opposed to a ball of light

Fredcha seems to be enjoying taking pictures on this little journey as well, ooops sorry Freddy I just realized I forgot to give you money for the toll on the way back, sorry, I'll pay you back

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© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos