Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Damn it

We have to get this shoot done, but it just doesn't stop snowing, and when it does it is still these low grey skies, keeping it too dark to shoot. So Paul, Timo and I go for a location check already, while Suvi is with Lucie nice and warm in the cafeteria.

It's so hard to ski, as it is close to being a white out,and I don't have ski goggles on me, which doesn't help either, still got a few nice turns in , the runs are groomed, but just of the side of it there some nice soft fresh powder, only a foot deep , but

I'm working on that ice farm again on my face, this is from just ski-ing about 4-5 hundred meters down from the lift

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© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos