Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


My place ain't no pic-nic

Marc and Anita come over for another Barbie , on this rare blue sky day, with no wind, woauw, we maximise so barbie time, and as I keep asking Marc "what time is it ?" - o'clock ofcourse.
But I put Anina to work

We need taties for the mash ( that's slang for potatoes ), so I put her into the field from the farmer next door, and get her to dig up some fresh ones

And don't they just look great/fresh

So then Marc gets to work with the peeling

I moved the BBQ from the back of the garden to the side, so we can sit in the winter sun, in summer itis fine at the back, but now it is already in the shade

So we are using the fire/hotplate to cook the potatoes on, and another pot with my home grown beans, so nice to be cooking outside, The 3 of us still can't believe it is October and we are doing this, so do all the people that are out for their sunday afternoon walk

Oh, and what am I doing during all this, why drinking ofcourse, while I put my friends to work, after all, isn't that what friends are for ,  :-)

Not bad at composing a photo there Marc, like how you kept the sunflower in there

I'm cleaning the hotplate with beer and an onion, so that when we put on the meat, it's not going to be all black

Speaking off, time for some prime Argentinian beef, yum, and the kangaroo is already on the hotplate, oh, this is going to be a feast

And as my brother ( famous Australian chef ) taught me, when behind the grill, always have liquids close by. So Anita got the message, as well as wood in the wheel barrow, more beers

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© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos