Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Just Loving Radiohead's new album


Last time I got this excited about a new Cd was when Linlee sent me the Colette #8 Compilation CD, this time , however, you can download the new album from Radiohead's official website, their record contract expired back in 2003 and they did not renew, through the grapevines I heard stuff like " with a record company it takes about 9 months to make a record, countless production, then marketing strategy and PR meetings, painfull" So they opted to do it them selves ( now if you are a radio head fan you would already know all this plus more I'm sure ) And the new album is out, and I just downloaded it , I could have downloaded it for free, as they don't ask you to pay, but instead you decide how much you think it is worth/can afford, so some people download it for free, but I was quite happy to pay 10 quid for it

Can I just say again, great friggen' album, and if, like me, you have an objection to the ways and means these days of the monstrous conglomerate corporate workings of the record companies, then go and donate some money to the boys and download their album, well worth, and then hopefully more bands will follow. They have their Radiohead blog as well, or fansite, whatever you want to call it, and there is some great stuff on there, like this guy Rashaan Roland Kirk blew me away, gonna have to look for somemore music from this guy now, how come I never heard from this guy before

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