Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Storm rollin' in

I'm at Patty's place right now, to transfer some photos from my computer, so was easier to go up to her pad to do so , and check out the view of the harbour, great view, but that's not what this is about .Behind me, which you don't see in the picture, is a big southerly change ( storm ) It was a beautiful full blue sky day today ( won't be tomorrow ) and this is about to change in 5 min, the clouds you see now , are just the beginning

5 mins later, can't see the harbour anymore ( imagine being out on a boat right now )

Same thing, but looking west, a case of now you see centrepoint tower

and now you don't.
So as you see, when it rains in Sydney, it really rains, none of this drizzly stuff

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© Sonny Vandevelde — Play nice and credit photos