Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.

blah blah

First impressions

So been back for 2 days, and thought it might be nice to share with you my first impressions on being back in Europe after three months in Australia. Well, its cold, very cold, and grey, a strong sense of desolate, hardly any vegetation , barren, a barren landscape littered with plastic bags, and wrappings from candy, empty bottles and cans littered along the roadside. did I mention cold already :-) On the street people walk around with a very sour look on their face ( can you blame them , probably haven't seen sun in months), so there is a real air of anti social behaviour in the air, as in , don't talk to me I'm feeling miserable, so me walking around with my usual happy face draws a few strange looks from people, as in , what's wrong with him, why is he looking so jovial, must a crazy nutter, best keep away from him, crazy nut. on the roads people drive like crazy , so fast and incoherent, as if they are running away from something, fast without respect to the other road users, while I'm puttering along at the legal speed limit ( australia traffic infringements has that affect on you )others fly past me, with that sour demeanour ofcourse. And the trucks, my god, I forgot about that , the highways are continously clogged , but then there are so many trucks on the roads here, when you are at one of the major intersections on the highways, trucks come close to outnumbering the cars. With all the trees devoid of leaves, you see a lot more of the factories, and piles of rubbish everywhere, gawd please summer hurry along, these people are craving for the warm rays of summer sun

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