Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


Don't be fooled


by this picture, it may look cloudy and cold, but it is actually 38°C, so warm, and strange in a way that the sun is not out. You see, the wind is blowing from the west (offshore, coming from the land) and it is bringing in (out) all the warm air from the country side. So perfect conditions to hit the water, but again, no waves, as you can see in this picture, normally those rocks would be covered in white water from the waves crashing against the rocks, today it is perfect for swimming around the rocks ( not recommended when there are waves) and the water is absolutly crystal clear, so that's what I just did, swim around those rocks, thne when you com ein the wind is like a hair dryer, and you are dry in a matter of minutes, so you jump back in the water again,and again , and again..... then home for a juicy sweet mango

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