Fashion should be fun and with my photography I love to create those fun moments.


about to leave

Pb220148_1 these cute christmas reindeer out the front of the hotel reception, so just had to get a photo, Iekline took some pics as well of her pony, she travels everywhere with her little pony , and takes a photo of her pony where ever she goes, and the last person to be photographed with her pony was ozzy osbourne so check out her journal to see the pony story


Pb220149 This is Scott; Scott from Scotland hehehe, He looked after us and set us up in the chalet, plus was a great help when our plane was cancelled and Iekeline was already in Glasgow, he organised to get her to the Chalet, thanks Scott. He's holding a bottle of Aussie red I gave him as a little thank you.( if you look close enough you can see Iekeline holding her pony )

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